
How to file a complaint with the Practice

Complaints Procedure

We aim to provide a high quality service and are very interested in hearing any constructive comments you may have.

The practice has an approved complaints procedure and we always welcome the opportunity to deal with any part of our service that is causing you concern.

Once you have submitted your complaint, it will be acknowledged within 5 working days, and we aim to have investigated your complaint within 30 days of the date you raised it with us.

To file a complaint, please email the Practice at or download our complaints form below and hand it into the Practice.

Tell us when we get it right and when we don’t.

We are always looking for ways to improve our services and our patients’ experiences. Spring Gardens Group Medical Practice greatly values all forms of feedback and makes great effort to review all comments and complaints.

We would love to hear your comments when we are getting it right- but importantly, we need you to tell us when we aren’t meeting your expectations so that we can help.